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RE-1™ is a 3-in-1 medical-grade-eubiotic that has been scientifically formulated and clinically validated to provide benefits to:
• digestive health
• immune defense
• gut barrier integrity
• optimal bowel functioning
• allergy prevention
• micronutrient synthesis
• dermatological health
• cognitive function and mental health
• metabolic function and weight management.
You may access the strain-specific clinical studies associated with each benefit in our Scientific Research.
Every human body is different, and the benefits you may ‘feel’ (ease of bloating, more regular bowel movements) are often just the most visceral ones. It is normal to feel effects in the digestive tract in as little as 24-48 hours. With 7 days to restore the gut-lining.
Other longer term benefits like allergy prevention and gut immune function may take longer. Bioidentical strains are native to the human gastrointestinal tract. So every time you consume a daily intake, the beneficial human microbes are doing their work inside to colonise, replicate, sustain, and enhance your health.
Your body is home to trillions of microorganisms, including 100 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) bacteria that live within you. They perform critical functions like digesting food, managing inflammation, and synthesizing key nutrients, metabolites and neurotransmitters. This is your microbiome.
RE-1™ medical-grade-eubiotic is formulated to provide benefits for gut immune function and whole-body health for children age 5+ and adults age 18+.
Children (Age 0+) and Adults (Age 18+) consume 1 sachet with water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Or as directed by your healthcare professional.
As with any dietary supplement or new health protocol contemplated during pregnancy or lactation, we recommend speaking with your physician or obstetrician before you start consuming Begin Rebirth® RE-1™.
Probiotics, in general, do not appear to pose any safety concerns for pregnant and lactating individuals. The current literature does not indicate an increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes when probiotics are used by healthy individuals.
It is recommended to consume RE-1™ for a minimum of 7 days to begin restoring the gut-lining.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of delivery of your order. We’ll refund you for the full cost of the product less shipping, tax and duties - no questions asked.