
Over the last 100 years, we have lost half our gut microbiome. Urban-stressors are the root cause, characterized by dysbiosis and daily-disruptions to our critical defense system.*




Low Fiber

Ultra Processed Foods

Nutrition Deficiencies


C-section Births

Travel Disturbances

Chronic Stress

Endocrine Disruptors

Sleep Disturbances


Nature Deprivation

Lack of Exercise

Environmental Toxins

Dietary Monotony


Artificial Sweeteners


Chlorinated Water

High-Fructose Corn Syrup

PFOAs (Forever Chemicals)

RE-1™ Restore Eubiosis

Human Origin Strains (HOSt™)

Human Origin Strains—HOSt™ are live, bioidentical microbes present during a healthy human birth. These resident strains differ from transient probiotics—from animals and plants, which pass through the digestive system without permanent colonization, leading to disruptions and imbalances. This is called Dysbiosis.

The composition of our microbiome is established by transmission of foundational human strains naturally at birth. This is called Generational Transmission

HOSt™ form the foundation of the gut microbiome and are the immune system’s principal protectors, defending against daily disruptors. RE-1™ contains clinically validated ingredients to establish a microbiome flourishing with HOSt™–allowing your immune system to be supported by its oldest allies and most precious protectors. These strains exhibit superior physiological functions to establish and maintain balance. This is called Eubiosis.

80% of those living in urban environments - missing Human Origin Strains (HOSt™) have experienced daily gut disturbances in the past 30 days.

Pie Chart showing 80% disturbed and 20% undisturbed
Figure 1. In a third-party, single-arm, observational study of 35 adults ages 20-65 years old conducting a self-assessment on gut health and daily disturbances over a 30 day period. 80% of participants reported daily gut disturbances.


*Wong CB, et al. 2018. Different physiological properties of human-residential and non-human-residential bifidobacteria in human health. Benef Microbes.
¹In a third-party, single-arm, observational study of 35 adults ages 20-65 assessing self-reported gut disturbances over 30 days.


Human Origin Strains HOSt™ bioidentical to those received at birth restore eubiosis to the microbiome and defend the immune-system from daily-disruptions.

RE-1™ Restore Eublosis

In the last 100 years, we have lost approximately 50% of our human gut microbiome. Our oldest ally and critical defence system is vanishing.

Hyper Urbanization Era

1945: Green Revolution Era1

The climax of widespread use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. And the development of genetically modified crops.

Broad Spectrum Antibiotics

1970: Broad Spectrum Antibiotics Discovered2

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria becomes a significant public health issue. The vast majority of antibiotics given to farm animals for human consumption.

Loss of Generational Transmission

1985: Loss of Generational Transmission3

C-section delivery rates increased by 400%. Babies born by Caesarean section have dramatically depleted microbes.

Hygiene Hypothesis

1989: Hygiene Hypothesis4

David P. Strachan, British epidemiologist, hypothesized that reduced exposure to pathogens in early childhood leads to an increased risk of allergic diseases.

Hygiene Hypothesis

2000: Hyper Urbanization Era5

50% of the world population are now urban city dwellers. Humans that live in urban environments have lost approximately half their gut microbiota.


  1. Gama J, Neves B, Pereira A. 2022. Chronic Effects of Dietary Pesticides on the Gut Microbiome and Neurodevelopment. Front Microbiol.
  2. Blaser, Martin J. 2014. Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues. Henry Holt and Co, First Edition.
  3. Shan, Y., Forster, S.C., Tsailki, E. et al. 2019. Stunted microbiota and opportunistic pathogen colonization in caesarean-section birth. Nature.
  4. Strachan D. P. 1989. Hay fever, hygiene, and household size. BMJ.
  5. Bruchett S, Sinha T, et al. 2020. The Effects of Urbanization on the Infant Gut Microbiota and Health Outcomes. Frontier Pediatric.


RE-1™ is the first and only 500 billion CFU medical-grade eubiotic, formulated with 7 live probiotics, 2 synergistic fiber prebiotics and 1 immunogenic postbiotic.

Seven proprietary live Human Origin Strains (HOSt™) selected for non-transient genomic diversity and strengthening of humoral immunity:

Bifidobacterium longum BR-BB536, Bifidobacterium breve BR-M16V, Bifidobacterium infantis BR-M63, Bifidobacterium breve BR-B3, Lactobacillus gasseri BR-LAC-343, Bacillus coagulans BR-LACRIS-S, Lactobacillus helveticus BR-MCC1848.

Probiotic Formulation

Two synergistic prebiotics concentrated from Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) and Inulin (Low Molecular Weight LMW). Standardized to deliver:

4.5g of fiber per serve—with polyphenols which are biotransformed by gut bacteria to produce beneficial metabolites for digestion and immunity.

Prebiotic Complex

One immunogenic Human Origin Strain HOSt™ to activate cytokines that help control inflammation and stimulate immune activity, with important regulatory functions, bridging innate and adaptive immunity:

Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849

Postbiotic Formulation
RE-1™ Restore Eublosis

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Sachet (5g powder)
Servings Per Pack 7

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value for Adults 18 Yrs+ % Daily Value for Children 3 Yrs+
Calories 19 1% 2%
Total Carbohydrate 4.7g 2% 4%
Dietary Fiber 5g 18% 36%
Total Sugars
Includes 0g Added Sugars**
Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) + Inuoin (Low Molecular Weight) 5g

Probiotic Strains + Postbiotic Strain

Bifidobacterium longum BR-BB536, Bifidobacterium breve BR-M16V, Bifidobacterium infants BR-M63, Bifidobacterium breve BR-B3, Lactobacillus gasseri BR-LAC-343, Bacillus coagulans BR-LACRIS-S, Lactobacillus helveticus BR-MCC1848, Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849

Total Probiotic Enumeration

500 Billion CFU

*Percent Daily Value (%%DV) is based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

‡Percent Daily Value (%%DV) is based on a 1,000 calorie diet.

**Contains naturally occurring sugars.

CFU = Colony Forming Units (indicator of probiotic viable cell count)

For Optimal Results: Consume 1 sachet with water daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

Researched Formulated Tested

Results from a third-party, non-randomized, single-arm study: With daily use for 7 days, RE-1™ was reported to positively stabilize digestion, and strengthen immune-system functioning.


  • 94%

    of participants felt less bloating & abdominal pain¹

  • 87%

    noticed less allergies & recurring infections¹

¹Conducted on 35 healthy adults ages 25-65 assessing the self-perceived efficacy of RE-1™ over 7 days.

Holistic Mind-Body Benefits

RE-1™ is specifcally formulated to support:

Dermatological Health

Digestive health

Oral Health

Psychological Health

Respiratory Health

Urogenital Health

Immune Health

Promotes healthy skin hydration and resilience*

Supports skin clarity and reduction of blemishes*

Enhances the skin's natural barrier function against environmental stressors*

Reinforces healthy stool hydration and ease of evacuation*

Supports gut ease from occasional gastrointestinal discomfort associated with increased intestinal transit time*

Supports gum health and reduces oral discomfort*

Promotes fresh breath and oral hygiene*

Reinforces healthy teeth and enamel strength*

Supports emotional balance and a positive mood*

Promotes mental clarity and cognitive function*

Helps ease occasional stress and anxiety*

Supports clear, healthy airways and breathing*

Promotes respiratory comfort and defense against environmental irritants*

Reinforces healthy lung function and oxygenation*

Supports urinary tract health and function*

Promotes healthy bladder activity and comfort*

Enhances natural defenses against urinary discomfort*

Supports the body's natural immune response*

Promotes healthy immune system function and resilience*

Reinforces defenses against occasional seasonal challenges*

Holistic Mind-Body Benefits

RE-1™ is specifcally formulated to support:

Dermatological Health
Digestive health
Oral Health
Psychological Health
Respiratory Health
Urogenital Health
Immune Health

Delivery System

Formulated to Flourish

Requires no breakdown of a capsule barrier, ensuring fastest absorption throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. Lyosublime™ delivery also concentrates higher quantities of microbes to improve biological efficacy—500 billion CFU, ensuring maximum potency to deliver optimum benefits—no refrigeration necessary.

Restore Eubiosis


Formulated with live Human Origin Strains HOSt™ bioidentical to those received at birth, clinically researched by our world-class scientists in Japan and validated by academic institutions in Switzerland, Italy, and USA.


4.5g of fiber per serve. Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) and Inulin—to foster the growth of beneficial metabolites throughout the microbiome.


An immunogenic Human Origin Strain HOSt™ to activate cytokines that help control inflammation and stimulate immune activity, with important regulatory functions, bridging innate and adaptive immunity.


500.0 Billion CFU

4.5g Prebiotic Fiber

No Refrigeration Required

Bifidobacterium longum BR-BB536
Bifidobacterium breve BR-M16V
Bifidobacterium infantis BR-M63
Bifidobacterium breve BR-B3
Lactobacillus gasseri BR-LAC-343
Bacillus coagulans BR-LACRIS-S
Lactobacillus helveticus BR-MCC1848

Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) &
Inulin (Low Molecular Weight LMW)

Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849

Our divine 3-in-1 superpowder ensures faster absorption throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. Lyosublime™ Delivery also concentrates higher quantities of bacteria to improve biological efficacy—500 billion CFU, ensuring maximum potency to deliver greatest benefits–no refrigeration necessary.

Rigorously monitored to meet the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) Standards









No Sugar

No Binders




No BPA's

No Preservatives

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  • TB
    Travis B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 hours ago
    I feel great

    The 7 day reset worked. I feel really good. Highly recommended.

Reviews LoadedReviews Added
  • Strain Selection

    We select proven probiotic strains backed by human clinical research, to ensure efficacy, proven safety, and enduring potency—ensuring every dose delivers measurable benefits.

  • Biofermentation

    How bacteria are cultured impacts their viability. We optimize our biofermentation for pH, temperature, and 28 other critical growth factors. Our mediums contain no meat or dairy.

  • Survivability

    7 of the 9 strains are microencapsulated with a lipid coating to further protect from stomach acids, digestive enzymes, and bile salts during digestion. This also means that refrigeration is not required.

  • Testing

    We do extensive lot-to-lot testing at each step and on the final product. With 50+ QA/QC checkpoints, we monitor purity and strength under both US and EU protocols, including GMP + HACCP.

1 of 4

50+ Years Research & 200+ Studies

Bifidobacterium longum BR-BB536
Subject: Visceral Fat Reduction
Source: 2024 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

B. longum BB536 may reduce visceral fat and total fat levels in healthy normal and overweight adults. BMI and TG levels also showed significant differences between the groups. Participants did not change their daily diet or exercise habits, 16 weeks of probiotic intake showed a positive effect on visceral fat reduction.

Bifidobacterium breve BR-M16V
Subject: Cesarean Delivered Infants
Source: 2017 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Bifidobacterium breve M-16V on the gut microbiota of cesarean-born infants. Supplementation resulted in a higher bifidobacteria proportion from day 3/5 until week 8, a reduction of Enterobacteriaceae from day 3/5 till week 12 compared to controls. This was accompanied with a lower fecal pH and higher acetate.

Bifidobacterium infantis BR-M63
Subject: Mental Health & IBS
Source: 2019 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Individuals in a community who developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) after major floods have significant mental health impairment. B. infantis M-63 is probably effective in improving mental health of victims who developed IBS and this is maybe due to restoration of microbial balance and the gut-brain axis.

Bifidobacterium breve BR-B3
Subject: Inflammation & Colitis
Source: 2024 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Bifidobacterium breve effectively colonized the intestinal tract and alleviated colitis symptoms by reducing the disease activity index. Moreover, B. breve mitigated intestinal epithelial cell damage, inhibited the pro-inflammatory factors, and upregulated tight junction (TJ)-proteins.

Lactobacillus gasseri BR-LAC-343
Subject: Quality of Sleep in Adults
Source: 2023 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

The gut-brain axis is one of the proposed interactions between the brain and peripheral intestinal functions; of particular interest is the influence of food components on the gut-brain axis mediated via the gut microbiome. Meta-analysis indicates significant improvement in sleep quality of adults with mild to moderate stress as an effect of daily consumption of L. gasseri.

Bacillus coagulans BR-LACRIS-S
Subject: Antibiotic-Diarrhea
Source: 2008 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) occurs in approximately 25% of patients receiving antibiotics. The results showed an overall reduction in the risk of AAD when probiotics were coadministered with antibiotics. Probiotics are effective for preventing AAD with the number needed to treat to prevent 1 case of diarrhea being 10. Bacillus coagulans appeared to be most effective.

Lactobacillus helveticus BR-MCC1848
Subject: Anxiety & Depression
Source: 2019 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Probiotics can benefit the central nervous system via the microbiota-gut-brain axis, which raises the possibility that probiotics are effective in managing depression. MCC1848 ameliorated sCSDS-induced gene expression alterations in signal transduction or nervous system development. These findings suggest that MCC1848 supplementation is useful as a preventive strategy for chronic-stress-induced depression.

Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849
Subject: Common Cold & Mood in Adults
Source: 2018 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849 postbiotic powder or placebo powder once daily for 12 weeks based on the incidence of the common cold. Total number of days of symptoms, and symptom scores of the common cold significantly improved. Lactobacillus paracasei BR-MCC1849 has the potential to improve resistance to common cold infections in susceptible subjects and maintain a desirable mood state, even under mental stress conditions.

Galactooligosaccharide (GOS)
Subject: Improves Immune Function
Source: 2008 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

GOS significantly increased the numbers of beneficial bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, at the expense of less beneficial groups. Significant increases in phagocytosis, NK cell activity, and the production of antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) and significant reduction in the production of proinflammatory cytokines were also observed. GOS administration resulted in positive effects on both the microflora composition and the immune response.

Inulin (Low Molecular Weight LMW)
Subject: Calcium & Bone Mineralization
Source: 2005 - PubMed®
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Read the paper

Daily consumption of a combination of prebiotic short- and long-chain inulin-type fructans significantly increases calcium absorption and enhances bone mineralization during pubertal growth. Effects of dietary factors on calcium absorption may be modulated by genetic factors, including specific vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms.

Designed to Deliver

RE-1™ is a medical grade Eubiotic containing Human Origin Strains (HOSt™) not found in other probiotics.

RE-1™ Synbiotics Probiotics
Human Origin Strains HOSt™ - For Healing, Protection and Performance
3-in-1 Eubiotic (Probiotic + Prebiotic + Postbiotic)
50+ Years of Strain Safety & 200+ Scientific Studies
500 Billion CFU (Medical-Grade)
4.5g Prebiotic Fiber (GOS & Inulin)
Lyosublime™ Delivery - From Mouth to Colon
Restores Bioidentical Microbes Missing During C-Section Birth
Replenishes Gut Epithelium in Minimum 7-Days
3rd-Party Tested - For Quality, Purity and Potency
Clinically Proven - For Gut, Skin, Oral, Mental & Immune-Health
Free from Sugar, Artificial Colorants, Flavors and Preservatives
Monitored for Allergens Defined by European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA)
View All

Healing is
in your hands

RE-1™ is formulated to resolve problems such as c-section births and antibiotic overuse by covering immune system gaps with a divine trio of live, bioidentical probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics. Formulated to introduce missing birth microbes essential for gut, immune function and mind-body health. One Sachet once a day for a minimum of 7 days helps restore your gut-lining.* Resolve digestive and immunity problems, now and in the future. Protect what you love.

Speak With Us

Save time—our team of experts is here to answer your questions about problems, protection, RE-1™ and healing.

Hi, I’m Sophia from Begin Rebirth. I’m happy to answer any of your RE-1™ questions.
How can I help you?

Questions? We're here to support

We keep all the questions we are asked
often on our FAQ page.

RE-1™ is a 3-in-1 medical-grade-eubiotic that has been scientifically formulated and clinically validated to provide benefits to:

• digestive health
• immune defense
• gut barrier integrity
• optimal bowel functioning
• allergy prevention
• micronutrient synthesis
• dermatological health
• cognitive function and mental health
• metabolic function and weight management.

You may access the strain-specific clinical studies associated with each benefit in our Scientific Research.

Every human body is different, and the benefits you may ‘feel’ (ease of bloating, more regular bowel movements) are often just the most visceral ones. It is normal to feel effects in the digestive tract in as little as 24-48 hours. With 7 days to restore the gut-lining.

Other longer term benefits like allergy prevention and gut immune function may take longer. Bioidentical strains are native to the human gastrointestinal tract. So every time you consume a daily intake, the beneficial human microbes are doing their work inside to colonise, replicate, sustain, and enhance your health.

Your body is home to trillions of microorganisms, including 100 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) bacteria that live within you. They perform critical functions like digesting food, managing inflammation, and synthesizing key nutrients, metabolites and neurotransmitters. This is your microbiome.

RE-1™ medical-grade-eubiotic is formulated to provide benefits for gut immune function and whole-body health for children age 5+ and adults age 18+.

Children (Age 0+) and Adults (Age 18+) consume 1 sachet with water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Or as directed by your healthcare professional.

As with any dietary supplement or new health protocol contemplated during pregnancy or lactation, we recommend speaking with your physician or obstetrician before you start consuming Begin Rebirth® RE-1™.

Probiotics, in general, do not appear to pose any safety concerns for pregnant and lactating individuals. The current literature does not indicate an increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes when probiotics are used by healthy individuals.

It is recommended to consume RE-1™ for a minimum of 7 days to begin restoring the gut-lining.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of delivery of your order. We’ll refund you for the full cost of the product less shipping, tax and duties - no questions asked.